Pilot Property Launch Plan

Last Updated: February 14, 2024

Note: Items we’re currently working on are highlighted in yellow.

Phase 1: Establish concept, business and founding team

  • Launch website (complete by end of May 2023)

  • Gather founding board members (complete by end of May 2023)

  • Establish long-term branding: logo, type, voice, colors (complete by end of June 2023)

  • Register business (complete by end of June 2023)

  • Set-up bank accounts and fundraising platform (complete by end of June 2023)

  • Establish social accounts

  • Submit application for non-profit status

Phase 2: Pilot property fundraising

  • Gather fundraising and awareness ideas and find team support from experts

  • Define campaign strategies, communication plans, and goals

  • Assemble teams and kick-off fundraising campaigns

  • Complete first-round fundraising term

Phase 3: Locate and purchase pilot property

  • Locate potential pilot property that meets our mission and goals

  • Review our high-level property plans with town committees before purchase to understand any obstacles and level of effort before purchase

  • Purchase and obtain ownership of pilot property

Phase 4: Design, build and prepare property to open to community

  • Gather creator and community input for types of events that would benefit them most

  • Define needs and goals for micro-businesses to sustain pilot property, offer livable wages, and offer scholarships to those in need to participate in events

  • Draft design plans

  • Work with town committees for approvals

  • If needed, raise funds to design and build pilot property. Fundraising goal TBD.

  • Build pilot property buildings and gardens

  • Establish, set-up and staff micro-businesses

  • Collaborate with creators to schedule events

  • Plan, book and socialize opening celebration

Phase 5: Launch pilot program within the Boston area

  • Soft launch opening

  • Official opening celebration

Phase 6: Hold space to learn and grow

Ongoing after launch

  • Regularly report on our accomplishments, areas we are struggling with and ideas for adapting to hone the beta into a successful program that runs efficiently and effectively.

  • Document actions and findings from our beta project as open source documents for anyone to learn from. Socialize that this information is available. Should there be interest, look into consulting, hosting Q&A events, and video-documenting our next project from start to finish and posting on social media.

  • Identify and develop a strategy for future property locations.

Short-Term Goals
(2024 – 2026)

  1. Acquire and develop a pilot property in an environmentally-friendly and resourceful manner, utilizing local contractors and volunteers.

  2. Creators, instructors, and group leaders use Gathered Hearts space to host events and earn a living.

  3. Individuals can learn and try new things and ideas, heal, connect with others, and feel stronger and happier.

  4. Communities enjoy each other's company, connecting, building relationships, and fostering trust with each other.

  5. The cafe and gift shop (micro-businesses) are able to support the property’s maintenance, and provide livable-wages to staff.

  6. Learn from the entire program and shape it to successfully serve the community effectively and efficiently.

Long-Term Goals
(2027 – 2029)

  1. Micro-businesses are not only self-sustaining but also capable of providing grants for both those who need to rent space and participate in events.

  2. We have navigated challenges, adapted, and honed a successful property program to be efficient and effective.

  3. We have documented, published, and socialized our experience along with blueprints on how to recreate a successful property program.

  4. Additional properties have been added to the Gathered Hearts network of spaces.

We need your support

Help us provide our first intentional place to nourish healing, growth and joy for individuals, creators and communities.